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Stephen Gazard

financial services business leader, 

car freak, gadget geek, father & husband

Professionally a versatile, persistent, focused and people orientated business leader.  I succeed by building great teams, cultivating talent and driving companies to become relentlessly client and adviser focused driven by the correct morale compass. 


A financial planner by training with subsequent broad background in financial advice, operations, recruitment, sales management, marketing, governance, change & crisis management, restructure, merger, acquisition and sale.


Experience in owner managed, AIM listed, provider owned and FTSE 100 /250 trading environments.


Self confessed gadget geek with a clear focus on technology as a true enabler to better outcomes.



Personally a father to Callum & Ella and husband to Claire.


In 2010 my daughter (14 months at the time) was struck by Meningitis before being one of the lucky few to make a full recovery.  I subsequently assisted in the merger of two leading meningitis charities to form MeningitisNow a charity committed to the eradication of the disease and helping those affected to rebuild their lives.

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